Top 4 Ways to Climb the ladder in Fashion Marketing

lifestyle Dec 14, 2022

Working in the fashion industry can seem thrilling, chic and exciting but there is more to the industry than just fashion. 

Fashion marketing is a key component within the fashion industry, because it is able to bring the creation and vision of a design to life. Knowing how to market a brand is one of the most important things within the fashion world.

The industry is fast paced and changing daily, so being able to connect the buyer to the brand is important. It’s just not about the clothing pieces itself, it’s about the way it makes people feel when wearing or seeing the clothing and the connection. 

Want to make sure you are headed on the route to success, then here are 4 Ways to Climb the Ladder in Fashion Marketing so don’t stop reading just yet. 


#1: Internships & Work experience


So if you want to succeed in fashion marketing, well let’s just say that having some type of work experience can start your success story. 

Internships and work experience are great ways to gain practical experience in a fashion marketing role. This can help you stand out from other candidates with similar qualifications on paper. 

There are many different types of internships available, including social media, brand management, PR, retail merchandising, etc. Having some experience can help with skills training and allow you to use them in future work spaces. 

Once you’ve got some experience under your belt, make sure to be ready for the next step up by researching different types of companies within your industry that you feel aligns with your career path.


#2: Networking


You’ve gained some experience and started honing your skills okay, so what’s next?

If you are looking to climb the ladder in fashion marketing, then networking is the next important tip.

Networking is a way to connect with people who can help you advance in your career. When you network you meet people who have similar interests, career goals, and background as you. Not only can you build work relationships, but you can make new friends. 

You can network in person, at social events or even online.

Networking has many benefits for fashion marketers:

  • It’s a great way to meet other fashion professionals and make possible connections
  • Learn more about the industry by talking with people in different positions within it
  • Can use the connections you make through networking to find new work opportunities

Don’t miss out on opportunities because you’re nervous, scared or not confident. Take that leap of faith and put yourself out there to show you are meant for this industry. 

You will use networking throughout your entire career not just at the start of your career.


#3: Creativity 


The fashion industry is highly competitive. It's also an extremely creative one, so you will need to bring your own creativity along with you.

Now, in the terms of creativity it does not mean artistic or creative writing – it means being creative in the sense that it's all about having an open mind and just being willing to try and explore new things.

This can include taking on a new challenge or exploring an area that you've never been exposed to before. 

The fashion marketing industry revenue is predicted to grow by 27.74% between 2023 and 2025 and growing rapidly so take risks with your creativity and test out your comfort zone. 

You have to be able step outside of your comfort zone in order to grow as an individual and professionally.


#4: Business-minded

Okay, so you have the experience, networking tips, and creativity but it’s more to that.

You’re climbing the ladder to success, so it’s important to have a business mindset — understanding how the market works, how brands make money and how campaigns work together to achieve goals.

Fashion marketing is not just about fashion, but it’s also about knowing how to make people buy what you are selling and understanding the ins and outs of everything. 

You need to be able to understand the link between marketing and revenue and how to create specific marketing strategies that will direct consumers to the brand and to spend their $$$ with the brand.

Now, that does not mean you need to have a specific degree to understand but having some background knowledge about these concepts can help in the longrun.  

Take your time, do some research and gain the knowledge you need to succeed. 


Oh yeah, before you go just remember


If you are looking to get into fashion marketing know that there is a lot of competition out there and new talent is emerging, so bring your ‘A’ game.

There are many other ways that can help you climb the ladder, but hopefully the 4 you read above can be the start to that ladder climbing. 

Hopefully this book recommendation can be helpful as well: The End of Fashion: How Marketing Changed the Clothing Business Forever  by Teri Agins. 


✍️Written by Lay Miller


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