Professional Development Thursday: How we are helping young women start careers

Dec 06, 2022

[Austin, TX] December 5, 2022 — Professional Branding is so important, Sky Society came out with a new segment called “Professional Development Thursday” to help younger women starting their careers to set themselves up for success.

You can find tips on how to improve your resume, cover letter, marketing portfolio, how to apply to jobs, email etiquette and much more on the LinkedIn group or check out Sky Society on Instagram, where each Thursday there will be new content!

Sky Society Girls, Haley McDowell, Kayla Gibbs, Lay Miller and Zaire Michel’s main goal is to help create an environment where women who struggle transitioning into a career, feel welcomed and consistently give tips and tricks to ease the journey.

Zaire Michel, says, “We've all heard horror stories of resumes or emails that didn't work and left a bad taste in peoples mouth so we thought it would be cool to do!”.

These Sky Society Girls are willing to give you advice on what helped them improve, which is what Professional Development can do for you. 

Sky Society’s “Professional Development Thursday” provides access to information on how to create the perfect resume, how to create a professional email, job application checklists, anything to help you land that job you always wanted!

Weekly on Thursdays via Instagram there will be engagement stories to interact with followers. Those that attend have the opportunity to ask questions and immediately receive answers from women in the marketing industry that are professionals.

There’s a reel video explaining a checklist on things you should look out for when applying to jobs, as well as a LinkedIn post, titled “Sky Society Times'' that dives more in depth about email etiquette and what you should and shouldn't do when reaching out to employers.

Yes we did a good resume vs a bad one last week or so and each week we focus on different topics” Zaire stated, so attendees can expect more clear visual aids, in addition to consistent and new content and talks. 

Members who are a part of the LinkedIn group will get full details on how to improve your brand and what will make you stand out.

Those who follow Sky Society on Instagram should be on the lookout for new tips each week and be interactive on Instagram stories to have any concerns or questions you might have!

Sky Society provides a variety of easily-accessible content on multiple social platforms, so everything is at your fingertips. You just have to grab hold of the opportunity.

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