Marketing Fundamentals: 3 Proven Factors to Drive Traffic on Social Media Today

marketing Nov 21, 2022
Marketing Fundamentals

Social media has made an impact on the way people interact today. Studies from Broadb and Search and many others have shown the growth and importance of social media. 

With so many people watching, how does one stand out from many? 

If you are barely starting your social media journey or have been struggling to drive attention to your business, here are three marketing fundamentals to start seeing a traffic increase on your channels. 


Marketing Fundamental #1: Engage and Build Relationships

Think of your platform sites as being in a relationship with someone. 

When you are in a relationship, you must show up, engage, and be yourself. Well, that is no different when you work on driving traffic to social media.

  • Consistency is key when growing your platforms. Being consistent creates accountability and leads to progress. Which is how followers know the creator is showing up for them. Even though there is no magic formula on how often to post, make sure you have a plan/schedule to ensure trust from your following.
  • Engaging is how your audience knows you are listening. People like to be recognized, especially by their favorite influencers, so leave likes, respond to comments, repost, and tag to build connections. Also, make sure to respond in a timely manner.
  • Being yourself is by far the most important weapon to use. People can smell lies and scams, so don't try to be someone you are not. Instead, find that undefinable quality that makes you stand out from everyone else. 

Here are more ways to build genuine connections on social media.


Marketing Fundamental #2: Leverage Quality Visuals 

Whether you are posting a video or a photo on a platform, quality over quantity is what matters. Most creatures think quality visuals are only the images and videos they post, but in reality, it's much more than that, so let's break down a post.

A quality visual should tell a story. A story the audience can remember, relate and repost, the 3 R's, so here is how to do it. 

Let us start with high-level photos/videos. Don't rely on the focus feature in the camera to do all the work. When taking a picture, play with lighting, depth, angles, and settings. If you are creating a video, be sure it has creativity, cleanliness, and originality.

Once the content is ready to be published, it is time to write a caption. The caption can include the following:

  • Information: Add value to what the post is about or even some behind the senses of what they missed.
  • Questions: Questions help engage with your audience.
  • Emojis: Makes it fun and lighthearted
  • Hashtags: help draw attention to your post and target audience.  

For more tips, click here for a quality caption.   

Lastly, are you telling a story about the brand or product to captivate your audience? 

Storytelling is the heart of your brand. It creates impulse, making it the most powerful tool. Each platform has its superpower, so understanding what makes them stand out from the other can help you voice a story. 

Storytelling is psychological. When telling a story, you are triggering the right brain and leaving a pathway to channel:

  • Emotion: builds personal connection.
  • Action: Builds support 
  • Value: builds trust
  • Memory: builds recognition 


Marketing Fundamental #3: Make a First Impression 

Make the first impression matter! 

The bio is the first thing people view. It is the window to a home, a business card to an occupation or company, and a portfolio of your achievements all wrapped up in one. It also sets you apart from others and determines conversion rates.

So here are steps to make a long-lasting impression.   

  1. The about you section should be short and clear for the audience to understand the business and who you are. 
  2. Add keywords to drive traffic. Keywords are like hashtags used to identify and help find a topic.
  3. Use Linktree. It's a customizable landing page and free tool that adds links, contact information, and more. 
  4. Choose the right profile picture. Like a logo for a business or a headshot of yourself.
  5. Add contact information so people can contact you.

Remember, the more people know about you, the more they want to learn and engage with you, and in return, traffic starts to increase.   


Final Thoughts

As you can see, it is not rocket science, so don't get overwhelmed. Anyone can start creating momentum for social media today by following the 3 marketing fundamentals. 

Focusing on having likes and views will set back growth. Instead, concentrate on the big picture, and everything else will follow. There are many free resources to help create visuals, connections and schedule content to boost traffic on social media.

So remember, make a first impression, create quality visuals, and engage for genuine relationships to be noticed in no time.


✍️Written by Andrea Ramirez


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