Absolutely No One Talks About These 5 Post Grad Problems

job search Nov 20, 2022
post grad problems

 Yay! You made it to graduation, or you're about to. Congrats! Here’s the thing post-grad isn’t all sunshine, rainbows, and homework-free evenings.

It’s tougher than it seems so we’re shedding some light on these 5 post-grad problems that you’ll need to be ready for.  


Post Grad Problem #1: Real Adulting is Rough

When you first got to college you likely had the thought, “I’m really an adult now because I’m finally on my own.” 

While that’s the case for some, a majority of students aren’t truly on their own in college. They have parents paying for some things or a whole lineup of college staff to turn to when they need help. Once you graduate all this is gone unless you move back home. 

It's the first time you have only yourself to rely on and it can be a pretty rough transition. 

Figuring out how to navigate the new freedom that post-grad brings is a very real issue for a lot of people. It might not be easy but look at all the other adults living life. 

They figured it out and so can you.


Post Grad Problem #2: Help! I Need a Job

Who would have thought finding a job would be a post-grad problem? 

Get a degree they said. You’ll get a great job, they said. Something they failed to mention was to make sure you secure that job BEFORE you graduate. If not well… good luck charlie.

Finding a job is a major post-grad problem because you can’t make money if you’re not working. And you kinda need money to live. 

Companies list positions as entry-level but need 3+ years of experience, what’s up with that?! You try to get your foot in the door by applying for internships, but they all want college students so now you’re stuck. 

Luckily, there are gems like Sky Society that help make the job search a bit easier. 

Remember that you don’t have to get your dream job immediately. Working a job that isn’t exactly what you want to do doesn’t mean you are settling. Think of it as a step in the right direction because now you’re one step closer to your goal.


Post Grad Problem #3: New Location Unlocked

You put in the work and now you have a job. Amazing, one post-grad problem gone!

Well, now a new problem has surfaced. You have to move boo! 

Even if you are staying near your college, life outside campus looks very different. Time to find a new grocery store, a new gym, new everything. 

Settling into a new place can be exhausting because it’s all so unfamiliar. You want to know what you’re doing and not feel out of place. You want it to feel like home. 

Homesickness can creep up on you even if you love exploring new places. Visiting somewhere new and moving just isn't the same. 

Embrace your new surroundings and try not to compare them to what you’ve known so that you can appreciate what the new area offers. You could move down the street or across the ocean there will still be an adjustment period.


Post Grad Problem #4: No More Sandbox Buddies

If you haven’t realized this already, sorry to tell you but all your favorite people aren’t going to be a 10-minute walk across campus anymore. 

Now that you and your friends have graduated, who knows how close you’ll be? 

Making and keeping friends might be the most talked about post-grad problem out there. For years, we’ve all been in group settings that force us to be around large groups of people our age and now that’s over. 

It turns out the girl you talked to every day in ENG304 isn’t actually your friend. It was just easy and convenient to chat because you sat next to each other. Oh, and apparently it’s not the norm to compliment a stranger’s leggings and then become absolute besties over post-workout smoothies. 

The friends you have start to fade away because of distance and busy schedules. Plus, you have no idea where to start with new people since everyone seems closed off and in their own world. 

It might take a while to find people we can count on, but they're out there. As long as you’re getting out in the world doing the things you love you’ll find them. 

Thankfully, there are many articles with helpful tips on how to meet people after college.


Post Grad Problem #5: But, What’s Next?

So you’ve learned how to be on your own, got a job, settled into your new home, and even made a few new friends, but what’s next? Great question, um… more work? 

There has always been a clear answer to that question and now there isn’t. 

We hear statements like, “You have your whole life ahead of you,” all the time. While it was comforting at first, now that statement can be very overwhelming. 

After graduating college, it feels like the checklist is complete, but we still have years of life to live. What are we supposed to do now? 

This post-grad problem, unfortunately, leads many recent grads to “post-grad depression.” Recent grads have been students for almost their entire lives so the idea of what’s next has a lot of them feeling lost. The transition from college is one of the biggest changes in life so try to take things one step at a time. 

Make a map like this New York Times article says. It’s helpful to create short-term goals so we don’t get overwhelmed by our entire future. 

Alright, deep breathe. No more talk of post-grad problems because everything is going to be fine. We worked hard to get here so let’s enjoy it. 

When you start singing the post-grad blues, remember that no one has it all together. We’re all doing our best and now that we’re aware of these issues we can be better about tackling them. Soon all these post-grad problems will be a small sign of the past.



✍️ Written by Wadel Goyol


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