News: Sky Society unveils new “Work it out Wednesday” series tackling difficult scenarios women encounter in the workplace

Dec 06, 2022

[Austin, TX] December 1 Sky Society is rolling out their new series WIOW on Instagram, where they pose various challenging workplace scenarios women may encounter, and give advice on  how to approach them. 

In an interview, one of the co-creators of the series, Shannon Housser, stated “I just hope that people just realize that this stuff happens. A lot of times, being a woman in an office, we don't speak up as much or don't know how to handle situations because it might not be something that's very talked about. Even myself, when I'm creating these scenarios, I'm thinking about how I would react.”

It’s no secret that women have had to navigate through difficult scenarios in the workplace. With the scenarios that are posed in WIOW and the thought provoking questions asked, hopefully we will all be better equipped to know how to navigate through office politics and drama. 

Some of the major topics that have been discussed to date are: how to handle when a co-worker takes credit for your work, if you have one-too-many at happy hour, and if your boss is talking down to you. Viewers also have the option to submit questions and content they would like to be addressed and may need help navigating through.

Founder and CEO Natalie Peters says, “These are things that everyone will encounter, but it’s especially important for us as women to learn how to have these tough conversations to be successful.” 

With the new content being available every wednesday, and previous week’s editions visible in the Instagram highlights, the hope is that viewers get helpful advice they can take away and use in their own personal work lives. 

Stay up to date on all the newest content and ask yourself what you would do in these scenarios by following on Instagram.

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