Top 3 Ways To Increase Your Feminine Energy

#womenempowerment Jan 31, 2023
your feminine energy

Ok, girl, sit down and pay attention because we've discovered the secret of life: it's not about being the "it girl," having a great job like the aesthetics ones on TikTok, or traveling the world, although that sounds like fun.

Instead, it's about increasing your feminine energy. 

We get it; it seems simple, but most of us get caught up in life and routines and forget the simple things that could change our lives.

To lead a happy and fulfilling life, you must have strong feminine energy . This means that you should be able to follow your intuition and emotions at all times. And also that you remain positive in any situation! 

Sounds so simple, right?

Well… It's tougher than it seems, so we're giving you some tricks to increase your feminine energy and make you feel as good as ever. 


Use your intuition


The first step to increase your feminine energy is to use your intuition to make decisions. Listening to your gut feelings, trusting in what feels right, and following the inner voice that guides you are great ways to tap into this part of yourself. 

Think about the times when you've made a choice despite being unsure if it was the right one and then look at how things turned out!

You may be surprised by how much more clarity emerges from taking action based on an intuitive impulse than from sitting back and overthinking every possible outcome until you are exhausted by indecision.

The key here is being open, not necessarily expecting answers or even knowing what form they might take, but simply being fully present with whatever arises within or around you at any given moment so that nothing goes unnoticed or unheard.

Intuition comes from deep within us; it speaks through our bodies as well as our minds and hearts; it is always there waiting for us whenever we choose not only to listen but also embrace its message wholeheartedly without fear or judgment because once we do this (and trust), then everything else falls into place gracefully too!


Follow your emotions


Emotions are a sign that you are alive and connected to the world around you which essentially is what feminine energy is all about.

When we repress our emotions, we disconnect from ourselves and others. Emotions can be extremely powerful, so learning how to channel them positively is important.

Emotions can be a guide to your inner self. If you allow yourself to follow your emotions, they may guide you towards answers about what's going on within yourself and how best to deal with it.

This may involve talking with someone else or exploring internally on your own.


Have a positive outlook on life!


You can increase your feminine energy by having a positive outlook on life. This includes having a positive outlook on the future, the world, people, and yourself.

Yep! That's it. That's all you need to do.

 If you want to be a "feminine energy" person, you must spend time with yourself, which means spending some quality time. That could mean going for a walk or taking a nap.

It could also mean sitting quietly and reflecting on what's important to you and how you want things to go from here.



One simple but very effective way to reconnect with your feminine energy is to create a little photoshoot at home, choose a little special place in your house with GOOD SUNLIGHT, take a hot shower, light up some candles, put on music that makes you dance, pick up a cute-comfy outfit, and get yourself some flowers or a good glass of your favorite wine.

Then, put your phone to record and go with the flow, dance, play with the flowers, jump, and laugh. DO NOT focus on how your body looks. Instead, focus on your energy, how powerful you are, in the music and how it makes you feel, in your magic - Do it and let us know how it goes. Good luck!  

P.S: If this sounds like a lot of work—it is! But if we don't do these things regularly, they become harder as life gets busier.

If you're feeling stressed out or overwhelmed by all the demands on your time now (and who isn't?), remember: rest is an essential part of living with intentionality; it helps us stay grounded and focused when we've got too many balls in the air at once (or even just one!).

By carving out some downtime each week—even if it's just fifteen minutes every day—you'll soon feel more energized both physically and mentally so that when another stressful situation arises later on down the road (and trust me: there will be plenty!), you'll have more resources available than ever before! 


If you want to increase your feminine energy , there's no need for complicated rituals or intense self-improvement.

All it takes is a little self-awareness, dedication to following your intuition and emotions, and an optimistic outlook on life. Try these tips and tricks and let us know how it went! 


 ✍️ Written by Laura Vera

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