Journal Affirmations: Do You Know The Amazing Benefits of Writing Yours?

lifestyle Dec 02, 2022
Journal Affirmations

We all set daily reminders for tasks that need to be done, but how many times do we remind ourselves that we are capable, strong, fearless?

Journal affirmations help to remind us that despite whatever goes on throughout the day, there is positivity and that positivity comes from affirmations.

With journal affirmations, we allow ourselves to take the time to appreciate the uniqueness we all have. It also sets the tone for the day. We all hear the saying practice what you preach and journal affirmations it is no different.  


What is an affirmation journal? 


An affirmation journal is more of a daily reminder to yourself that you can conquer anything that comes your way throughout the day.

Writing it in a journal also helps you retain those words and when written daily turns the words into reality.

For example, by journaling “I am worthy” helps you feel better about yourself even if someone makes you seem like you are not anything in that given moment.

Another example is “My strength is greater than my struggle”. Means whatever you are going through know that you have the strength to overcome it.

You can even re-read through the journal as the day goes on. This helps you to shift your mind back to positivity. Words can have a big impact on yourself.

Just like we get hurt or appreciated by other people's words the same happens with our own choice of words. Make those words positive, happy and motivating.

Having an affirmation journal is like having a blank canvas, a canvas in which you can filter out the negativity with positivity everyday.  

Set a strong intention by really understanding your struggle and choosing to believe in the power of your own mind.

It's your words against your mind. Words are thoughts and thoughts become things. We all want the good stuff in life like clothes, shoes, and even a car right? So, why not the same with our mind.

Journaling is assessing the negativity and choosing to alter it to work for us and not against us.   


The future is in your words


Words have power. It has the power to restore and destroy. If you wouldn’t say it to anyone else why would you say it yourself? Be fair to yourself and most importantly be kind to yourself.

When writing journal affirmations, set the intention of positivity that will result in having gratitude. Choose words that your future self will thank yourself for. Keep the journal, look back at what you wrote previously and see how far you have come and how far you can go.

This happened because you choose to write words that empower you. This empowerment opens doors of prosperity for your future. Set the tone everyday. 

Use the 3 P’s of Affirmation 


It is common to get stuck when writing journal affirmations at times. One thing that can help is by starting with the 3 P’s of affirmations. These include positive, present, and personal.

Start with each one and go down the list. Write one affirmation geared towards the P’s. Positively write affirmations such as, “I can” or “I will”. Avoid using negations such as not, don’t, and can’t.

As with the law of attraction when you focus on one thing be it positive or negative you still attract it to reality. Reframe your statement to affirm what you desire. 

Be present. Raise the vibration to what is already true. Avoid journaling past tense words and focus on the now. When using past tense it prevents you from believing it will happen.

It only results in wishful thinking. Instead of journaling words like “soon” shift the word to “it feels”. For example, Instead of writing “I will soon get a new car” write “It feels good to have the car of my dreams”. 

Lastly, get personal with it! Your environment is usually not in your control. You are responsible for your own thoughts, actions and words. The key here is to start with “I am”.

Instead of journaling “My boss will give me a raise”. Shift it to “I am open to receiving new advancements in my career”. 

See, there you go! The 3 P’s make it so much easier to start writing in your affirmation journal. Just like with any other skill, practice makes perfect.

This is also a skill that will need to be practiced to make it a reality… When you write something you are likely to remember it longer. These words will help you to think positive when hurdles come throughout your day.

Keep a journal of affirmations and see how you start to manifest all your goals, and dreams you have for yourself.  


✍️ Written by Navneek Rooprai


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